The Latest BlackBerry Application: Gokivo Navigator

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012 | 06.57

The Latest BlackBerry Application: Gokivo Navigator - Latest Technology News | Latest Software | Gadget Gallery - Create buddy BlackBerry smartphone users and adventurous hobby or a fancy term today, touring, one of the newest BlackBerry apps this one may be an alternative option. As is known, there has not been any previous navigator GPS-based applications that can satisfy the customer's BlackBerry when it is needed at the time to travel far and look for the address. This time maybe you can just breathe a little easier because recently there are BlackBerry apps navigator that can provide ease my friend did not like the previous navigation applications.

Gokivo is voice guided navigation application that allows BlackBerry pal download the route that will be addressed through a smartphone or BlackBerry phones. Like most other navigation applications, only one thing lacking from this application that does not provide a map. But you can just download all the routes needed to reach the goal. Besides Gokivo also has a more full color with a colorful interface and looks very attractive.

For business workings, the application is not much different from the advanced GPS navigation where Gokivo will provide the information or the address is turn by turn, local information, and also do not miss it, map.

Another advantage of the latest BlackBerry Gokivo Navigator application is that you can just use this app to find the home address, calls, and postal code to locate a buddy looking for. In these applications, besides my friend can find clues through pictures, my friend also get audio service that will more easily lead mate to get to the destination.

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