BlackBerry Windows Phone Design Concept

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012 | 07.04

BlackBerry Windows Phone Design Concept - Latest Technology News | Latest Software | Latest Gadgets - Lately many slanted news circulating in the media about the serious problems that plagued BlackBerry smartphone manufacturer, RIM (Research in Motion), where the problem is particularly threatening to popularity and survival the company in the future.

Oblique news lately circulated in some media sources and sticking after BlackBerry 7 which incidentally is the latest device from RIM BlackBerry, produced by less desirable coupled with the emergence of news saying that the effects of the declining performance of the BlackBerry in the world market due to the emergence of competing gadgets RIM-closest competitor is Android, iOS, and lately that has been gaining in popularity, namely Windows Phone, makes the latest RIM devices, the BlackBerry OS 10, its release was postponed until 2013 to come. Not to mention there is no guarantee when it will be released BlackBerry OS 10 will reap success as early BlackBerry born. This is what makes the world especially gadgets tech observers wondering what's wrong with RIM?

Observers or even technology experts agree that they can not guarantee if these devices (BlackBerry OS 10) will be able to attract the interest of buyers looked at the more advanced technology to competitors RIM smartphone type gadgets like Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. As we know, the three closest competitors current BlackBerry smartphone continues to develop technologies owned to remain attractive to buyers in the market gadget world. And maybe even up to several years. This is a discourse that is currently being discussed by the observers crowded and also of course the RIM itself.

Seeing the problems faced by RIM today, Michal Bonikowski, who was one of the BlackBerry smartphone designer also spoke and expressed his initiative in the form of the latest BlackBerry phones concept designs that may be desirable by loyal users the BlackBerry. Some of the main aspects which he offers for solutions to problems faced by RIM this is a smartphone that is more about a very wide screen, casing with a super stylish models, and of course the latest OS. For the latter, Michal Bonikowski submit his opinion to accept the proposal BlackBerry Microsoft which will be using Microsoft's latest OS, Windows Phone.

From some aspects offered Bonikowski Michal, we can draw the conclusion that all of these aspects refers to the concept of design owned by the three closest competitors BlackBerry, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. If this design concept will be accepted by RIM, may be many of the world's mobile phone users will glance at the latest smartphone from the results of the design concept Michal Bonikowski. And following the latest design concept that uses BlackBerry OS Windows Phone offered by one of the designers BlackBerry:

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