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Merakit dan Menjelaskan Komponen - komponen CPU

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 29 September 2013 | 20.47

  Tugas Kelompok Arsitektur Komputer
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           Sebelum kita akan Merakit PC sebaiknya kita mengetahui bagian - bagian komponen apa saja yang akan di pasang pada CPU nanti...

Komponen – Komponen CPU

                                                       MotherBoard : Asus Socket 478

 Microprocessor Intel 1,8 Ghz Clockspeed

945LM4 Intel chipset 
Heatsink Intel 

 Harddisk Maxtor 20GB

  MEMORY RAM (Random Access Memory)Socket DDR1 512 MB

- VGA Card (NVIDIA Ge-Force NX9400)

 Power Supply (Simbadda 220 Volt)

Samsung DVD RW white

 Samsung Floppy Disc

Cashing CPU

                                                               MERAKIT KOMPUTER

1. Memasang Processor ke Motherboard

Alangkah baiknya sebelum motherboard dipasang ke casing, terlebih dahulu memasang processor karena akan lebih mudah cara memasangnya. Cara memasang processor ke motherboard yaitu :

  •  Kita tentukan dulu posisi pin 1 pada prosessor dan socket prosessor di motherboard, umumnya terletak di pojok yang ditandai dengan tanda titik atau lekukan.
  •  Angkat tuas pengunci socket ke atas supaya terbuka
  •  Sesuaikan posisi kaki processor dengan lubang socket, kalau sudah lalu tekan processor ke dalam socket sampai rapat.
  • Kunci kembali dengan tuas pengunci.

2. Memasang Motherboard

Untuk memasang Motherboard pada casing yaitu letakkan motherboard pada tray casing dan sesuaikan lubang antara casing dan lubang motherboard, lalu kunci dengan sekrup.

  3. Memasang Heatsink

Setelah processor terpasang, lalu pasang heatsink supaya processor tidak panas. Heatsink ini diletakkan diatas processor dan diberi penahan supaya tidak lepas. Sebelumnya lapisi heatsink dengan Gel penghantar panas. Apabila heatsink anda ada kipasnya/fan maka konektor power pada kipas/fan hubungkan ke motherboard.

 4. Memasang RAM / Memori

Cara memasang Ram / modul memori yaitu : Buka dulu tuas penguncinya, lalu sesuaikan posisi lekukan pada modul memori dengan lekukan pada slot. Kalau sudah pas lalu tekan dan pasang kembali tuas pengunci RAM / memori.

  5. Memasang Power Supply

Biasanya kalau kita membeli casing pasti power supply sudah terpasang. Nah apabila power supply belum terpasang caranya memaangnya yaitu :

  • Letakkan power supply pada tempatnya yang ada dibelakang casing, lalu kunci dengan  sekrup.
  • Pasang konektor power dari power supply ke motherboard berikut kabel-kabelnya.

 6. Memasang Kabel Motherboard dan Casing

  • Pasang kabel konektor IDE primary dan secondary pada motherboard.
  • Untuk motherboard non ATX, pasang kabel port serial dan pararel pada konektor di motherboard.
  • Pada bagian belakang casing terdapat lubang untuk memasang port tambahan jenis non slot. Buka sekerup pengunci pelat tertutup lubang port lalumasukkan port konektor yang ingin dipasang dan pasang sekerup kembali.
  •  Hubungkan kabel konektor mouse dan keyboard pada motherboard.
  •  Hubungan kabel konektor yang lainnya seperti LED, speaker internal dan port yang tersedia di casing komputer.

  7. Memasang Drive (DVD RW, Floppy & Hardddisk)

  • Masukkan drive dari depan casing. Atur dulu settingan jumper (sebagai master atau slave) pada drive, lalu pasang sekrup supaya drive tidak lepas.
  •  Hubungkan konektor kabel IDE ke drive dan konektor di motherboard (konektor primer yang dipakai lebih dulu)
  •  Apabila kabel IDE terhubung pada 2 (dua) drive, setting jumpernya yaitu drive pertama disetting sebagai master dan satunya lagi sebagai slave.
  •  Dan konektor IDE sekunder pada motherboard dapat dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua drive tambahan.
  •  Sambungkan kabel power dari catu daya pada masing-masing drive.

  8. Memasang Card Adapter

Masukkan Card Adapter pada slot yang tersedia di motherboard, lalu tekan sampai konektor benar-benar masuk, kemudian beri sekrup sebagai penahan card.
Kartu Jaringan


 9. Tahap terakhir perakitan komputer

Kalau semua langkah-langkah perakitan komputer sudah selesai, kini tutup dengan casing dan beri sekrup. Hubungkan kabel dari catu daya ke soket dinding dan juga hubungkan konektor monitor ke port video card, konektor kabel keyboard dan konektor mouse ke port mouse.

10. Pemeriksaan Hasil Perakitan Komputer

Setelah komputer selesai dirakit, kita lakukan pemeriksaan dan pengetesan hasilnya dengan program BIOS, caranya yaitu :

  •  Nyalakan komputer dan monitor, lihat layar monitor dan juga dengarkan suara dari speaker.
  •  Nah program Fost dari Bios ini akan otomatis mendeteksi hardware apa saja yang sudah dipasang pada komputer.
  •  Lakukan setting untuk nilai dari kapasitas hardisk dan boot sequence.
  •  Kalau sudah lalu simpan hasil settingan dan exit dari setup BIOS, maka komputer meload system operasi dengan urutan pencarian yang disesuaikan dengan settingan boot sequence pada Bios.
  • Masukkan CD Bootable yang berisi sistem operasi pada drive pencarian.

Dan beginilah hasil Akhirnya  


 Demikian artikel tentang Merakit dan Menjelaskan Komponen - komponen CPU
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Processor INTEL Celeron G550 vs Processor AMD Richland A4-4000

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 13 September 2013 | 22.33

Pada postingan sebelumnya admin telah membahas mengenai Processor INTEL dan AMD
 dipostingan kali ini admin akan membagi info tentang hasil analisa mengenai perbedaan Processor INTEL Celeron G550 vs Processor AMD Richland A4-4000 dengan spesifikasi yang sejenis dengan harga sama.

saat artikel ini di-publish, harga kedua processor ini sama. Yaitu dibandrol dengan Rp 565,400

Bagaimana dengan harga yang disajikan webshop tersebut ? Apakah anda tertarik ingin membeli salah satu diantara processor tersebut ?
 Untuk lebih jelasnya, admin akan menjelaskan mengenai Processor INTEL Celeron G550

 1. Memiliki Kecepatan 2.6 GHz. Artinya Kecepatan Processor dalam hal mentransfer data, semakin tinggi kecepatan GHz yang diberikan Processor, maka semakin bagus pula processor tersebut melakukan transfer data dan sebagainya.

 2. Memiliki Cache Memory 2 MB, Cache Memory artinya memori yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya sementara, semakin tinggi cache yang diberikan oleh processor maka tingkat akses data komputer semakin cepat dan juga meringankan kerja processor.

3. Mengenai Memory, processor ini support dengan memory DDR3 -1066, Memory itu sendiri yaitu RAM ( Random Access Memory ) adalah sebuah perangkat keras komputer yang berfungsi menyimpan berbagai data dan instruksi program. Berbeda dengan tape magnetik atau disk yang mengakses data secara berurutan. Artinya semakin tinggi tingkat series DDR RAM maka semakin bagus dalam hal menyimpan data sementara dan lain sebagainya. Untuk ukuran maksimal memory pada processor ini adalah 32 GB, dan Bandwidth Memori Maks 17 GB

4. Untuk Graphics, Processor ini menggunakan Intel® HD Graphic, yang berfungsi untuk mengubah sinyal digital dari komputer menjadi tampilan grafik di layar monitor. Untuk Processor ini tidak support dengan VGA graphics yang berseries tinggi, graphics tersebut hanya bawaan dari processor tersebut.
Frekuensi Dasar Grafik     850 MHz
Frekuensi Dinamis Maks Grafik     1 GHz
Spesifikasi yang sudah di kemas oleh admin adalah seperti gambar dibawah ini :

memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tinggi - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:

Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:
Cache Memory adalah memory yang berukuran kecil yang sifatnya temporary (sementara). Walaupun ukuran filenya sangat kecil namun kecepatannya sangat tingg - See more at:

 Selanjutnya Admin akan memberikan spesifikasi singkat mengenai Processor AMD Richland A4-4000

 1.  Untuk Cache AMD Richland A4-4000 yaitu 1 MB berbeda dengan  INTEL Celeron G550 yaitu 2 MB ( lebih bagus INTEL Celeron G550 )

 2. Untuk Graphics lebih bagus karena menggunakan AMD Redeon HD 7480D  dibanding INTEL Celeron G550, jadi untuk masalah Graphics AMD Richland A4-4000 lebih bagus, dikarenakan AMD memang banyak digunakan untuk permainan game yang membutuhkan Graphics bagus.

3. Memory Support lebih bagus AMD Richland A4-4000 yaitu DDR3 - 1333  dari INTEL Celeron G550 yaitu DDR3 - 1066

4. Untuk Kecepatan lebih bagus AMD Richland A4-4000 yaitu 3.0 GHz

Info Spesifikasi Selengkapnya :

 Graphics Processor AMD Richland A4-4000 :

 Processor AMD Richland A4-4000 merupakan prosesor AMD dengan core Richland termurah yang ada di pasaran, dan menyandang dua buah inti CPU berarsitektur Piledriver yang berjalan di kecepatan 3000Mhz hingga 3200Mhz. Kekuatan utama AMD A4-4000 terletak pada IGP-nya, yakni AMD Radeon HD 7480D.tapi   hanya mendukung kecepatan DDR3-1333,

 Demikian Ulasan mengenai Processor INTEL Celeron G550 vs Processor AMD Richland A4-4000
Jadi Kesimpulan dari admin sendiri untuk Graphics Processor AMD Richland A4-4000 lebih memenuhi kebutuhan. Tetapi Untuk masalah Brand maupun Cache lebih bagus Processor INTEL Celeron G550.

Sumber Pustaka :
Situs resmi : Intel
Situs resmi : AMD

Blog :
22.33 | 0 komentar | Read More

Perbandingan Processor Intel dan AMD

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 10 September 2013 | 08.03

Mungkin diantara kalian sudah ada yang mengenal Processor Intel dan AMD ?        
atau mungkin sudah ada yang menggunakan kedua Processor ini. Tapi apakah kalian mengetahui apa perbedaan dari Intel dan AMD itu. Pertanyaan klasik yang sering kalian dengar, entah dari teman, kerabat atau dari dunia maya yaitu : bagus mana antara prosesor AMD VS Intel untuk bermain game? Nah  jawabanya adalah tergantung dana kita, kebutuhan dan spesifikasi komputer yang akan digunakan untuk bermain game itu sendiri.
 Nah berikut ini admin ingin memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai Perbandingan Processor Intel dan AMD, dilihat dari segi kelebihan dan kekurangan, serta dari segi performa dan harga.


Intel bisa dikatakan sebagai pabrikan processor tersukses saat ini. Intel jauh lebih dikenal dibandingkan pesaingnya yaitu AMD. Intel memang memiliki kualitas yang baik dari segi performa. Intel juga cocok digunakan untuk aplikasi berat , contohnya : Photoshop, Corel draw dan multitasking. Namun, dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya, harga processor Intel beserta perangkatnya jauh lebih mahal dengan tingkatan level yang sama dengan AMD.  Processor Intel  tidak mudah panas, bahkan prosessor mereka yang berlabel ekstrim memiliki harga yang super mahal.


Kurang dikenal oleh sebagian orang menjadi salah satu kelemahan AMD. Nama mereka terlanjur tenggelam di bawah nama Intel yang jauh lebih terkenal. Dari segi performa, AMD cocok diperhitungkan. Dibandingkan Intel yang mengeluarkan processor berkualitas super  tetapi dengan harga yang tidak masuk akal, sedangkan AMD mampu memberikan processor yang performa dan harga seimbang. AMD memiliki varian processor yang low cost, tapi memiliki kinerja yang baik bahkan mampu menyaingi processor dari Intel. Tetapi kekurangannya relative lebih panas dibanding dengan Intel.  Selain itu AMD juga masih memiliki kekurangan dari konsumsi daya mereka lebih besar dibandingkan processor Intel dengan tingkatan yang sama.

Untuk menambah beberapa Referensi, admin akan membagi sedikit artikel dari :

Berikut Beberapa perbedaan, keunggulan dan kekurangan prosesor Intel dan AMD :
  • Set instruksi pada Intel adalah MMX, SSE,SSE2, dan SSE3, tetapi pada AMD SSE2 dan 3DNow. Tetapi dari sekian banyak istruksi yang dipakai oleh intel sebetulnya telah ada dalam 3DNow-nya AMD yang tidak dimiliki oleh Intel.
  • L1 pada Intel maksimal 32K, sedang pada AMD adalah 128K. Bedasarkan beberapa test AMD dengan L1 128K lebih unggul dibanding dengan Intel.
  • Banyak transistor pada Intel 100 milyar sedang AMD 105 milyar.
  • Banyaknya Decoder, Integer, FP pada intel lebih sedikit dibanding AMD yang secara signifikan perbedaan tersebut meningkatan kinerja dari AMD.
  • Temperatur pada Intel dapat diatur oleh processornya sendiri (processor akan mengurangi kecepatan jika processor terlalu panas), pada AMD64
  • temperatur maksimum adalah 900C. Teknologi Intel lebih unggul dibanding AMD.
  • AMD lebih unggul dalam pengolahan komunikasi aplikasi, seperti transfer data pada modem, ADSL, MP3, dan Doubly Digital Suround Sound.
  • Pipeline pada intel lebih panjang dibanding dengan AMD, tetapi pipeline Intel bermasalah pada pertukaran tugas, sehingga pipeline intel kecepatannya
  • melambat berada dibawah AMD.
  • Intel menang di brand image dan marketnya, sedangkan AMD harganya yang lebih murah.
  • paling tidak prosesor Intel tidak cepat panas.

Jadi Intel menyediakan processor yang super kencang, bahkan AMD belum mampu menandinginya. Tapi semua itu harus dibayar dengan harga yang selangit. Sedangkan AMD mengeluarkan processor dan harga yang seimbang. Meski belum mampu menandingi processor Intel. Manakah processor yang terbaik? Untuk saat ini, dari segi performa, kualitas dan nama, Intel boleh juaranya. Tapi untuk processor yang performa dan harga seimbang, AMD lebih cocok. Tetapi semua tergantung kepentingan masing-masing. Bagi yang memiliki budget tak terbatas dan membutuhkan processor untuk aplikasi berat Intel lebih cocok dibanding AMD dengan performa yang sama. Sedangkan bagi yang memiliki low budget dan merupakan computer gaming. AMD lebih cocok dibanding Intel. Namun, perkembangan teknologi sulit ditebak. Bukan berarti di masa depan kondisi ini akan tetap bertahan.

Sumber Bahan Materi :

1. RSC Komputer


"Sekian ulasan yang admin berikan mengenai Perbandingan Processor Intel dan AMD pada postingan selanjutnya admin akan memberikan gambaran serta menganalisa mengenai processor Intel dan AMD  jika spesifikasinya sama (Sejenis)"


08.03 | 0 komentar | Read More

Description of Mozilla Firefox

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012 | 07.47

Mozilla Firefox (originally named Phoenix and then for a moment known as Mozilla Firebird) is a free cross-platform web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and hundreds of volunteers.

Before the release of its version 1.0 on 9 November 2004, Firefox has been getting a very good reception from the media, including Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.  With more than 5 million downloads in the first 12 days of release, and 6 million to 24 November 2004, Firefox 1.0 was one of the free software, open source (open-source) are the most widely used among home users.

Through Firefox, the Mozilla Foundation aims to develop a web browser that is small, fast, simple, and highly developed (apart from the Mozilla Suite is greater). Since 3 April 2003, Firefox and Thunderbird e-mail client has been the main focus of the Mozilla Foundation developers to replace the Mozilla Suite.

Among the popular features of Firefox is the pop-up blocker is installed in it, and a development mechanism (extension) to add additional functionality. Although these features are already available for some time on other web browsers such as Mozilla Suite and Opera, Firefox is a web browser first to gain acceptance in this magnitude. Firefox targeted to receive around 10% market share from Microsoft Internet Explorer (web browser popular with a large margin (as of 2004) until 2005, which has been called by many as a return to war in a web browser.

Firefox has gained attention as an alternative to Internet Explorer since the Explorer has been criticized for alleged ketidakamanannya parties agree to this assumption says Explorer does not follow Web standards, using ActiveX components are often dangerous, and disadvantages of the installation of spyware and malware-and the lack of features Firefox users considered important.] Microsoft themselves have responded that they did not consider if the issues of security and features Explorer to worry about. [

Firefox can run on various operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD. The latest stable version of Firefox now is 14.0.1, which was released on June 15, 2012.

Source Indonesia :

07.47 | 0 komentar | Read More

Description of OpenOffice is a set of office software in which there are word processing functions (word processing), processing sheet (spreadsheet), graphics (drawing), making a presentation (presentation), data processing, web editor, database, and formula editing. is developed by the community was founded by Sun Mycrosystem. is a free software and open source, and anyone can access the source code builders and can change the source code. can be available within 2 (two) face well with Windows and Linux operating systems. Besides supports various file formats of Microsoft Office.

Components in are:

1. Writer is a word processing program for office and just like Microsoft Word in Microsoft Office. Useful for making paper documents, such as letters, books, reports, etc..

2. Calc, office applications such as spreadsheets are complete, the same as Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Office.

3. Impress, is a program to create presentations as Microsoft PoworPoint in Microsoft Office.

4. Draw is a drawing program and equipped with the tools to make 3D, make kewarnaan effects, etc.. This program is similar to Microsoft Visio to Microsoft Office.

5. Math, is a program for writing formulas (mathematical formulas), such as Microsoft Equation Editor in Microsoft Office.

6. Base, is to create a database application, such as Microsoft Access to Microsoft Office.

Source Indonesia :
07.42 | 0 komentar | Read More

Definition Open Source Software

 Software that is free to be used, modified and redistributed.
Open source software usually can be freely downloaded on the internet free of charge.

07.39 | 0 komentar | Read More

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access (or Microsoft Office Access) is a computer application program relational database is intended for home and small to medium-sized enterprises. This application is a member of several Microsoft Office applications, in addition to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. This application uses the Microsoft Jet database engine Database Engine, and also uses an intuitive graphical display that allows users.

Microsoft Access can use data stored in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Jet Database Engine, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, or all containers database that supports ODBC standard. The users / programmers are proficient to use it to develop complex software applications, while less proficient programmers can use to develop software applications that simple. Access also supports the techniques of object-oriented programming, but can not be classified into object-oriented programming toolkit.

Microsoft released the Microsoft Access 1.0 in November 1992 and continued with the release of version 2.0 in 1993. Microsoft determines the minimum specifications to run Microsoft Access 2.0 is a computer with Microsoft Windows 3.0 operating system, RAM capacity of 4 megabytes (6 megabytes is recommended) and free hard disk space required 8 megabytes (14 megabytes is recommended). Version 2.0 of Microsoft Access comes with seven 3 ½-inch floppy diskettes 1:44 megabyte size.

The software works very well on a database with many records but there are some cases where the data is damaged. For example, the database size exceeds 700 megabytes often have problems like this (at the time, the hard disk is still outstanding under 700 megabytes). Manuals are carrying cautions that some cases are caused by a device driver that archaic or improper configuration.

Name code (codename) which is used by Cirrus Access is the first time that developed before Microsoft developed the Microsoft Visual Basic, while the form-making machine interface uses the Ruby called. Bill Gates saw the prototypes (prototype) and decided that the BASIC programming language component should be developed together as a separate application but can be expanded. The project is called the Thunder. The two projects were developed separately, and making machine form used by the two do not match each other. It ended when Microsoft released Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Source Indonesia :
07.34 | 0 komentar | Read More


Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) is one of the main developers of database management system (database management system) software to develop databases, customer relationship management software, enterprise resource planning and supply chain management software. Oracle Corporation was founded in 1977. The company employs 68,236 workers in 2007. Its headquarters are in Redwood City, California.

Oracle database is a relational database that consists of a collection of data in a database management system RDBMS. Enterprise software market Oracle database types for a variety of applications that can run on many different types and brands of computer hardware (platform).

Oracle database was first developed by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates through his consulting company called Software Development Laboratories (SDL) in 1977. In 1983, the company changed its name to Oracle Corporation until now.

Source Indonesia :
07.32 | 0 komentar | Read More

Description of MySql-Front

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to access data in a relational database. This language is the de facto standard language used in relational database management. Currently, almost all existing database server supports this language to perform data management.
SQL history starts from the article, a researcher at IBM named Jhonny Oracle that discusses the idea of ​​making a relational database in June 1970. This article also discusses the possibility of manufacturing a standard language for accessing data in the database. Language is then given the name of the sequel (Structured English Query Language).

After the publication of the article, IBM held a project of the relational database language based sequel. However, due to legal issues regarding the naming Sequel, IBM also turn it into SQL. Implementation of relational database known as the System / R.

In the late 1970s, the emerging company called Oracle that makes popular database server named after the company. With the rising popularity John Oracle, SQL too popular then so is currently a de facto standard language in database management.

SQL standardization began in 1986, marked by the release of the ANSI SQL standard. This standard is often referred to as SQL86.Standar is then repaired in 1989 and then improved again in 1992. The latest version is known as SQL92. In 1999, a new standard called the SQL99 or SQL99, but most of the SQL92 reference implementation.

Currently, there is actually no database server is 100% supported SQL92. This is because each server has their dialect.

Source :
07.29 | 0 komentar | Read More

Description of PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor  is a scripting language that can be embedded or inserted into the HTML. PHP is widely used to program dynamic web sites. PHP can be used to build a CMS.
table of contents

History of PHP

At first PHP stands for Personal Home Page (personal website). PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. At that time still called PHP Form Interpreted (FI), which is realized in the form of a set of scripts that are used to process data from the web form.

Furthermore Rasmus released the source code to the public and named PHP / FI. With the release of the source code is open source, many programmers who are interested to participate in the development of PHP.

In November 1997, released PHP / FI 2.0. In this release, the PHP interpreter has been implemented in a C program In this release also included extension modules that enhance the ability of PHP / FI significantly.

In 1997, a company called Zend PHP interpreter rewrite a cleaner, better, and faster. Then in June 1998, the company released a new interpreter for PHP and inaugurate release as PHP 3.0 and PHP stands converted into recurring acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessing.

In mid-1999, the new Zend PHP interpreter releases and release is known as PHP 4.0. PHP 4.0 is a PHP version of the most widely used at the beginning of the 21st century. This version is widely used due to its ability to build complex web applications while maintaining the speed and stability.

In June 2004, Zend PHP 5.0 release. In this version, the core of the PHP interpreter underwent major changes. This version also includes a model of object-oriented programming in PHP programming language to address developments in the direction of the object-oriented paradigm.

Source Indonesia :
07.22 | 0 komentar | Read More

Description of Microsoft Visual Basic

Microsoft Visual Basic (often abbreviated as VB only) is a programming language that offers Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to create a visual software program Microsoft Windows-based operating system using a programming model (COM).

Visual Basic is a derivative of the BASIC programming language and offering software development based computer graphics quickly.

Some scripting languages ​​such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), similar like Visual Basic, but it works differently.
The programmer can build an application using the components provided by Microsoft Visual Basic programs written in Visual Basic can also use the Windows API, but requires additional outside function declarations.

In programming for business, Visual Basic has a market share very wide. [1] A survey conducted in 2005 showed that 62% of software developers reported using various forms of Visual Basic, which is followed by C + +, JavaScript, C #, and Java.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, started the business by developing software Basic language interpreters for the Altair 8800, for then he changed to run on the IBM PC with DOS operating system. The next development was the launch of BASICA (basic-advanced) for DOS. After BASICA, Microsoft launched Microsoft QuickBasic and Microsoft Basic (also known as Basic Compiler).

Visual Basic is a development of the computer language BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). BASIC language was created by Professor John Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz of Dartmouth College in the mid-1960s.  The English program is organized similar to English used by the programmer to write a simple computer program that serves as a learning the basic concepts of computer programming.

Since then, many versions of BASIC were developed for use on a variety of computer platforms,  such as Microsoft QBASIC, QuickBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA IBM, Apple BASIC and others.

Apple BASIC developed by Steve Wozniak, a former employee of Hewlett Packard and a close friend of Steve Jobs (founder of Apple Inc.). [2] Steve Jobs Wozniak never worked with before (they made the arcade game "Breakout" for Atari). They collect money and together assemble a PC, and on 1 April 1976 they formally established computer company Apple. Popularity and wide use of BASIC with different types of computers played a role in developing and improving the language itself, and eventually led to the birth of Visual Basic-based GUI (Graphic User Interface) in conjunction with Microsoft Windows. Programming Visual Basic is so easy for beginners and programmers seasonal because it saves programming time by providing ready-made components.

Until the end of Visual Basic also has evolved into several versions, until recently, the Visual Basic 2010. However Visual Basic 6.0 version remains the most popular because it is easy to make the program and he did not spend a lot of memory.

History of Microsoft BASIC on hand as an interpreted language (BASICA) as well as a compiled language (BASCOM) makes Visual Basic is implemented as a combination of both.  using the Visual Basic programmer can choose the programming language code or a code that must be compiled programming language interpreted as the result of porting VB code. [3] Unfortunately, despite being compiled so language machine, the DLL named MSVBVMxx.DLL still needed. However, the characteristics of the compiled language still appears (it is faster than if we use terinterpretasi mode).

Source Indonesia :
07.21 | 0 komentar | Read More

Small BlackBerry Tablet Keyboard for BlackBerry PlayBook

BlackBerry Mini Keyboard for BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet - Latest Technology News | Latest Software | Latest Gadgets - RIM BlackBerry PlayBook through a recent grant the dreams of gadget lovers who want a tablet PC turned into a laptop. On one occasion, RIM introduced a new gadget that is a "soul mate" for the BlackBerry PlayBook. A Mini Keyboard for BlackBerry PlayBook has been launched by one of the pioneers in the smartphone world. BlackBerry Mini Keyboard is working to add functionality for my friend who wants to type or send a quick e-mail effortlessly fight with touchscreen function held tablet PC in general.
In addition to functioning as 'the stand' addition to BlackBerry PlayBook, BlackBerry Mini Keyboard has other features that are not less complete as a touchpad that is integrated with the navigation BlackBerry PlayBook, 128 bit encryption for Bluetooth connections, as well as battery life for 30 days. Multi-touch controls on the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard comes with a touchpad possible you can easily navigate to the BlackBerry PlayBook. Press the touchpad to simulate a mouse click. To right-click, done with two-finger vertical scroll using two fingers and move it upward or downward. All these features make the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard looks very easy to interact with devices and applications such as Citrix Receiver.

Some of the reasons why most people prefer a tablet PC than a laptop is a smaller size or a more simple and this makes it easier to carry and use anywhere. But sometimes users tablet Pc especially those not used to using a touchscreen device also find it difficult at the time to type or send an email. This is the reason why RIM launches BlackBerry Mini Keyboard for BlackBerry PlayBook users. Portability BlackBerry Mini Keyboard with case conversion gives mobile computer solution that is very easy with the added benefit of real estate on the screen that is always available to the user when using the BlackBerry Mini Keyboard for BlackBerry PlayBook.

Source Indonesia :
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