Description of OpenCart

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012 | 06.35

OpenCart is an open source system of online shopping cart based on PHP. An e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create an online store, online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost. OpenCart is designed has to be many features, easy to use, and Search Engine Friendly and attractive visual interface.

OpenCart 2.3.1 System Requirements
OpenCart can be installed on a web server running:

     Apache or Windows IIS
     PHP 5

OpenCart will not work well (or at all) without the technology. If hosting does not provide this technology typically can contact technical support at hosting. Some hosts may charge additional recurring update to enable this on the website owner.

2.3.2 Installation In OpenCart
1. Upload all files and folders to your server from the folder "Upload". This can be to anywhere of your choice. Example: / public_html / shop or / public_html
             2. For Linux / Unix make sure the following folders and files writable.

                chmod 0755 or 0777 image /
    chmod 0755 or 0777 image / cache /
    0755 or cache chmod 0777 /
    chmod 0755 or 0777 download /
    chmod 0755 or 0777 config.php
                chmod 0755 or 0777 admin / config.php

             3. Make sure you have installed a MySQL Database.
             4. Visit the shop installation address example:
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
             6. Remove the installation directory.
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