Facebook and Facebook History
Definition facebook is? Although everyday we play with facebook, but if suddenly offered a question like that sometimes too confused to answer. : D For those who see below.
definition facebook according to wikipedia Indonesian language is a popular social networking website launched on February 4, 2004. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard student born May 14, 1984 and former Ardsley High School student.
Or it can also mean facebook is a social networking site founded by Mark Zuckerberg and launched on February 4, 2004 that allows users to add profiles with photos, contacts, or other personnel information and to join the community to connect and interact with other users .
For those who already have a facebook account, to start activity on facebook and interact with other users we must go / login via facebook login page. Looking for a new user / never list before, certainly required to register in advance in order to get a new facebook account. It can be seen in previous articles how to make a facebook. We just enter the username (username), email address, password, date of birth, etc. as requested on the registration form followed by the steps as requested, it's easy really. Then, how to who do not have email, if I could sign up facebook? Could be, but it should create an email first. Guidelines can be found here how to make email.
Facebook history began when Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard student born May 14, 1984 and former Ardsley High School student made the social networking site facebook. Which at first its use only for students of Harvard College. In the next two months, its membership expanded to other schools in the Boston area (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts), Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, and all schools are included in the Ivy League. Many other universities were then added in succession within one year after its launch. Finally, the people who have e-mail addresses of a university (such as:. Edu,. Ac,. Uk, etc.) from all over the world can also join these social networking sites.
Furthermore, also developed a network for top-level schools and some large corporations. Until finally, in September 2006 Facebook started open enrollment for anyone who has an email address. At that time the number of Facebook users continues to grow. Until a few big companies such as myspace, Viacom, Yahoo even interested to buy / acquire facebook. But all bids were rejected by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as though the price offered is fairly fantastic. Friendster offered 10 million U.S. dollars, 750 million U.S. dollars Viacom and Yahoo 1 billion U.S. dollars.
In the end, the steps taken is appropriate because Zuckerberg is Facebook continues to grow and in 2007 there were additions of 200 thousand new accounts per day. More than 25 million active users are using Facebook every day. Until 2009, the nominal income facebook reaches 800 million U.S. dollars. In fact in the year 2010 was estimated figure will soar to more than 1 billion U.S. dollars, wow. Which source is estimated from the results of advertising. For the number of users, in the year 2010, according to the latest source that I read already exceeded the figure of 500 million users. It's fantastic!
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